Skin Procedures

What is Minor Surgery

Our practice can perform a range of procedures in our treatment room, this can include

  • Suturing
  • Mole Removal
  • Implanon Insertion and Removal
  • Dressings
  • Fracture Management & Plastering
  • Skin Biopsies
  • Joint Injections
  • Cryotherapy
  • Incisions & Drainage
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Iron Infusions

A black and white silhouette of a bandage on a white background.

Please note that it’s best to first speak with your doctor if you have a particular procedure in mind.


There are various fees depending on which procedure you may need. Our charges cover the cost of using the treatment room, the materials as well as nurse assistance to make sure your procedure goes as smoothly as possible.


To find out more about the costs involved, please speak with our reception staff.

About Wound Care

If you have had a minor procedure such

  • A small excision or removal of a skin sample,
  • Biopsy (small test piece removed for diagnostic purposes only)
  • Closing a lesion or open sore,
  • Repair to skin or trauma requiring stitching, or
  • Any other procedure requiring dressings


There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure the best outcomes for any post-procedure wound/s

Wound Care After a Procedure

If you have had a then just keep the wound area dry for 24 hours and then remove the dressing.


If you have had an excision (the whole lesion removed) you must keep the wound completely dry for the next 4 days, and change the dressing daily using the dressings provided.

Ensure Wound Protected

To ensure the best long-term result, try to minimise movement of the wound-bearing area, especially if it is on the upper body, or near a major joint. These areas can scar poorly if excessive movement occurs during the entire healing period, and in some cases (ie near knees or hips) for some weeks afterwards.

Wound Damage

If your wound/s become sore, bleed, or otherwise don’t seem to be healing as expected, give us a call or drop in as soon as you are able.. If urgent, see your GP or local hospital as timely assessment can be important.

Leg & Ankle Wounds

With wounds below the middle of the calf including the ankle or foot, it is necessary to dramatically reduce the amount of standing or walking and keep the leg straight out from your body (as it is in best) whenever you are able. This promotes better blood-flow which means better healing.

Removal of Stitches

Firstly it’s important to have your stitches out only on the date you were advised.

Your Results

Your pathology results can take up to a week, and in rare cases a little longer.


We will attempt to phone your results to you so please ensure we have your updated contact details while you are at reception or as soon as possible afterwards to minimise delays.


Rarely further procedures are necessary so it’s important we are able to discuss this with you as soon as possible. Due to data security requirements we are unable to directly email results.

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